Monthly Archives: May 2012
Back to Human VII
Back to Human VI
Back to Human V
Back to Human IV
Back to Human III
Back to Human II
Back to Human I
Elements (erased)
About paint
Purple heart
Study to Sunset III
Study to Sunset I
Type C
Type B
Type A
Body language (red)
Body language (green)
Crisis C (salami)
Second hand paint transferred on paper. The ink originates from an Euroshopper pizza box, a populair Dutch budget brand.
Crisis B (four cheese)
Second hand paint transferred on paper. The ink originates from an Euroshopper pizza box, a populair Dutch budget brand.
Second hand paint transferred on paper. The ink originates from Euroshopper pizza boxes, a populair Dutch budget brand, and various other packaging.
Early structures
Crisis A (margherita)
Second hand paint transferred on paper. The ink originates from an Euroshopper pizza box, a populair Dutch budget brand.
Testpaint VII
“Some lucky dots”. Second hand paint. The paint originates from the colour proofs that are printed on various cigarette packaging.
Testpaint VI
Second hand paint. The paint originates from the colour proofs that are printed on various cigarette boxes.
Testpaint V
Second hand paint. The ink originates from the colour proofs printed on cigarette boxes.
Testpaint IV
Second hand paint. The paint originates from the colour proofs that are printed on various cigarette boxes.
Testpaint III
Second hand paint. The paint originates from the colour proofs that are printed on various cigarette boxes.
Testpaint II
Second hand paint. The paint originates from the colour proofs that are printed on various cigarette boxes.
Testpaint I
Second hand paint. The paint originates from the colour proofs that are printed on various cigarette boxes.
Toothpaste, coffee, ashes and motor oil on paper
Condition humain I – X
Selfportrait as a terrorist instrument
Liberators [departure]
Liberators [arrival]
ashtray/toothpaste/coffee/motor oil
Study to Power
Study to Tower
Observation on my way home
Observation on my way to the market
Selfportrait [failure]
Selfportrait [transfer]
Selfportrait [6 pcs B]
Selfportrait [6 pcs A]
Accidental theory [detail]
Accidental theory
Study to Silence
Untitled Explosion I
Insiders II
Insiders I
To be confirmed
New Bubbles for Rotterdam
Chewing gum intervention in Rotterdam. Photography by Mirjam de Winter
100 % de brillance
Intervention with chewing gum on the street in front of Phoebus gallery Rotterdam. photography by Mirjam de Winter
Untitled animal
Dead bubbles [next]
Dead bubbles [destruction]
Dead bubbles [reconstruction]
Dead bubbles (deconstruction)
Dead bubbles (construction)
Composition B (male)
Composition A (female)
Year of the Mouth I
Year of the Mouth II
DNA Munich
DNA Munich is made of chewing gum collected in Munich.
DNA Amsterdam
DNA Amsterdam is made of chewing gum collected in Amsterdam.
DNA Zwolle III
DNA Zwolle II
DNA Zwolle I
Selfportrait (autoconsume)
Square bubble IV
Square bubble III
Square bubble II
Square bubble I
High Art
Untitled Detail
Untitled Fountain A
Fresh Fruit III
Fresh Fruit II
Fresh Fruit I
Nine Lights
One Light
Skin IV
Skin III
Skin II
Skin I
Untitled Revolution
French birds (b/w)
Red button
Casual geometry D
Casual geometry C
Dead bubble 21
Dead bubble 29
Casual geometry A
Dead bubble 20
Casual geometry B
Dead bubble 31
Dead bubble 13
Dead bubble 06
Dead bubble 03
Gumface (33′)
Video registration of action with chewing gum in NP3 Groningen.
New light
La violence originelle
[hotmint version]
Selfportrait as a Headache II
Read the fucking manual
An ashtray and the cigarettes smoked during a 5 month stay in Mexico City.
Life is good
Picture after smoking event in Academie Minerva, Groningen. During three weeks i collected the cigarette butts from the ashtrays in the smoking lounge and attached them to the wall.
Mud bath R II
Mud bath R I
Polaroid documentation of “Local grounds | Mud bath II” , an action on the border of Museum Boijmans-van Beuningen in Rotterdam. Photography by Emmeline de Mooij + Angelica Consejo Pinet
Mud bath o
Little Boy
First smoke as a fountain.
Smoke X
Smoke IV
Smoke II
Sterile Society [off]
Action with toothpaste.
Amsterdam, 2007.
Sterile Society [on]
Passphoto (unica) taken during action with selected ashtray.
Photo taken during action with chewing gum in NP3, Groningen. Photography by Jandaan Westhof and Angelica Consejo Pinet. Edition 1.